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Best pajamas for women and other pragmatic gifting options for this Christmas!

Best pajamas for women and other pragmatic gifting options for this Christmas!

Best pajamas for women and other pragmatic gifting options for this Christmas!
  • December 15, 2021
  • Posted By : PC
  • 0comments

Christmas is just a few weeks away, and if you have not decided on the gifts for your family and friends, which rock are you living under? The Internet is flooded with articles listing the best gifting options for everyone, from your partner to your family, your friends, and your pets as well. However, how many of these suggestions qualify as pragmatic gifting options? This Christmas, make it different and give your loved one’s gifts such as the best pajamas for women, gadgets, or investment sources that are usable in the long run.

Here is the list of the most practical gifting options for your family that will not lie in some corner of their wardrobe after the festivities are over.

Best pajamas for women

Duh! Who gifts pajamas is the first question cropped in your mind, right? A sensible individual who understands the importance of comfort in a woman's life does. Women have to wear tight-fitting clothes whether they go to school or work or just a casual stroll down the street; it is not a rule but an unsaid beauty standard that most women follow. Thus, the happiness of coming home and changing in the most comfortable and the best pajamas for women is unmatched. Therefore, you can consider gifting a high-end pajama set that is comfortable and classy to your sister and your mother. They will surely love your gift and appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Audiobooks and Kindles

Gifting gadgets such as the latest iPhone or gaming consoles has become archaic. Modern men are already a slave of technology, and additional widgets to further dictate their lives is not needed. Thus, rather than gifting any of these unnecessary devices, give your loved ones a kindle or an audiobook. Though paperback books are better than kindles, garnering information from an electronic device, whether visual or audio, is any day better than killing time on social media.

Hobby Ideas

If anyone from your family has recently retired and finds it difficult to utilize their time or fritter away on non-productive things, help them identify and enhance their hobby. Whether it's your grandparents or parents, they will have some idle endeavor they always wanted to pursue but could not due to academia or any other commitments. This is the right time to help them leave for themselves. You can get the supplies needed to pursue your craft and it further.

Incontinence Products

If any member of your family suffers from incontinence, getting them waterproof bed pads for adults and other incontinence supplies is a top-notch gifting option. In the first place, it reflects your care towards them. Secondly, it normalizes the embarrassment of suffering from incontinence in younger adults.

Organic skincare

There is no gender bias when skincare is concerned. Though women are more into it, several men have started taking skincare seriously. However, one crucial thing that both men and women unsee is the composition of these products. Irrespective of the manufacturers' claims, many brands use chemicals even after claiming to be 100% natural. Thus, when you plan on gifting skincare products to anyone, get the organic ones. This will encourage the receiver to switch to actual chemical-free products and help their skin in the long run.

Nostalgic Rewind

Who is not fond of nostalgia, and what better time of the year than Christmas to do so? You can create a video collage of all the best memories of your family, and after the Christmas dinner, binge-watch this treasure of memories together.

Premium Scotch or Whisky

This one is the best and the safest gifting option when nothing feels right, and you are out of time to search for alternative gifting options. You can get your dear ones their favorite bottle of rum, wine, whisky, scotch, or any other of their go-to drinks. You can add a personal touch to this gift by getting a wooden cask for this bottle with their initials inscribed on it.

Biodegradable Kitchen Trash Bags

How can trash bags even qualify as a gift right? It does! When you get biodegradable kitchen trash bags for your family, you show your care towards the environment and foster environmental responsibility in them as well. Also, switching to biodegradable kitchen trash bags and other eco-friendly supplies is the best thing you can do for the planet.


Lastly, whatever gifts you give and whatever skills you get, let love be the underlying sentiment in each one of these.


Purplecart wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A list of the most pragmatic gifting options for Christmas 2021

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