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{"en":"Recent Post", "fr":"Post récent", "ar":"المنشور الاخير", de":"Letzter Beitrag", "it":"Post recente"}
  • Adult Diapers and Other Ways to Fight Incontinence Issues!
    November 19, 2021

    Adult Diapers and Other Ways to Fight Incontinence Issues!

    Adult Diapers and Other Ways to Fight Incontinence Issues!
  • Adult Diapers and Other Ways to Fight Incontinence Issues!
    November 13, 2021

    Adult Diapers and Other Ways to Fight Incontinence Issues!

    Adult Diapers and Other Ways to Fight Incontinence Issues!
  • How is prostate cancer connected to incontinence issues in males? How are adult diapers the savior?
    November 05, 2021

    How is prostate cancer connected to incontinence issues in males? How are...

    How is prostate cancer connected to incontinence issues in males? How are adult diapers the savior?


{"en":"About", "fr":"Sur", "ar":"حول", de":"Über", "it":"Di"}

PURPLECART underlines the Essence of Environmental-Friendly Products! We have fused daily essential products with environmental sustainable elements. Our products help you live with ease with products that do not harm the ENVIRONMENT!

{"en":"Fusce scelerisque augue a viverra semper. Etiam nisi nibh, vestibulum quis augue id, imperdiet fringilla dolor. Nulla sed nisl vel nisi cursus finibus. Vivamus ut augue vel nec justo viverra.", "fr":"Fusce scelerisque augue a viverra sempre. Etiam nisi nibh، vestibulum quis augue id، imperdiet fringilla dolor. Nulla sed nisl vel nisi cursus finibus. Vivamus ut augue vel nec justo viverra.", "ar":"Fusce scelerisque augue a viverra sempre. Etiam nisi nibh، vestibulum quis augue id، imperdiet fringilla dolor. Nulla sed nisl vel nisi cursus finibus. Vivamus ut augue vel nec justo viverra.", de":"Fusce scelerisque erwecken ein viverra semper. Etiam nisi nibh, vestibulum quis augue id, imperdiet fringilla dolor. Nulla sed nisl vel nisi cursus finibus. Vivamus ut augue vel nec justo viverra.", "it":"Fusce scelerisque augura un viverra semper. Etiam nisi nibh, vestibulum quis augue id, imperdiet fringilla dolor. Nulla sed nisl vel nisi cursus finibus. Vivamus ut augue vel nec justo viverra."}
July 15, 2021

Waterproof pads for bed and other gifting options for a newborn!

Waterproof pads for bed and other gifting options for a newborn!
  • Posted By : PC
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Your best friend, or one of your closest friends, or maybe a cousin has delivered a baby, and you are filled with excitement and confusion. Excited about the...

June 26, 2021

Waterproof pads for bed and other tips to make your baby sleep...

Waterproof pads for bed and other tips to make your baby sleep peacefully!
  • Posted By : PC
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Being a mother is a tough role to play, you look after your baby even before it breathes on the planet and you look for your child till...

April 20, 2021

Organic trash bags and other best inventions by humans!

Organic trash bags and other best inventions by humans!
  • Posted By : PC
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2020 and 2021 both have been tough for every human being on the planet, and there is already a lot of negativity around. So, in this blog, I...